Is your work influencing policy?

We help universities, think tanks and publishers understand the reach and influence of their research

Track your policy impact

Overton is the world’s largest searchable index of policy documents, guidelines, think tank publications and working papers. 

It collects data from 188 countries and over a thousand sources worldwide with more being added all the time.

We parse each document, finding references, people and key concepts, and then link them to the relevant news stories, academic research, think tank output and other policy.

Our products allow you to search these documents and see where your ideas, papers, reports and staff are being cited or mentioned.

We can help you to discover where your work may be influencing or changing practice in the real world.


Overton Index

The Overton Index is a web based application that allows you to search and browse our database of policy – and the research it is linked to.

Use powerful filters to see policy from specific countries or from government sources only, or filter by any think tank, publisher, journal or institution to see only those policy documents that cite their work.

Export the data to Excel, use a flexible API to integrate with other systems or tag, organise and save your searches within the app itself.

Overton Engage

Overton Engage is a database of policy engagement opportunities from all over the world. We collate thousands of calls for evidence, public consultations, expert panel openings and policy fellowships into one place, to show how your expertise can make a difference.

You can browse our listings, discover opportunities to influence decision-making and match them to researchers in your institution with the relevant expertise.

Your subscription to Engage comes with learning resources to help with research translation, and make sure you’re ready to take advantage of the opportunities. 


For Universities

See where your academic work is cited in policy
Contact Us Priced by research intensity
  • Site license access to the world's largest curated collection of policy documents
  • See all of the policy citing research from your institution
  • Discover how your researchers are engaging with policy, through publications and in person
  • Organise policy by Sustainable Development Goal, topic, year and more

For think tanks, IGOs and agencies

Find experts, search policy and see where your publications are being cited by government
Contact us Priced by publication volume and their citations
  • Help measure your reach by finding which governments and other organisations are citing your work
  • Benchmark yourself against similar organisations
  • Find academic experts for workshops, invited contributions or speaking slots

One off reports and data

For consultancies, annual reports and research projects
Contact Us Based on data volume
  • Access the underlying policy document data in CSV or JSON format
  • Use a local copy of the database to run your own analyses

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